Why Small Business Websites are More Important.

Let set some facts straight

56% of people say they don’t really trust in a business that doesn’t have a website. (The Bauen Group). And with over 2 billion people buying things online, that means there’s over a 1 billion people who don’t trust you because either your website looks and performs like trash, or worse, don’t have one at all.

Thats a lot of people 

That’s more people than everyone in the United States and China put together actually…

So why is it that 46% of small businesses still don’t have a website even though 92% of them feel having one is the best digital marketing strategy? (Clutch).

Honestly, we have no idea…  But what we do know is that you don’t want to be one of those businesses. You don’t want to just have a Facebook page. You want a website. Not a sloppy one either, but one looks and performs awesome for your audience. Because when your website performs well and makes people smile, they’ll be happy to work with you.

If you’re really good, maybe they’ll even tell their friends about you. Or better yet, leave you an awesome review on your google account. Because reviews matter too… If you didn’t already know, 55% of people research reviews before making purchases… And surprise! Nearly that same amount will also check out (and judge) a companies website while looking at those reviews (KPMG). But how much do they judge you based on your website you ask? 75% of people admit to judging the credibility of your business based on your websites appearance alone. (Kinesis). 

Meanwhile, you might be sitting over here with no website and no reviews… Is the 46% of businesses from earlier convinced yet? We hope so.

Small businesses: Facebook pages are not enough

And we hope we’ve convinced you of that by now… Because you know what else you get when you have a legitimate website?

A domain.

A domain that you can call your own.

Why is that good? Well besides having a nice “.com” or “.io” extension at the end of your domain name, it will make you look far more professional and credible to everyone who see’s your site. It improves your SEO standing and allows you to migrate in the future if you need to as well. 

Simply put, It makes you legit.

Plus, besides making you feel too cool for school right off the bat, you’ll feel even cooler when you get some professional-looking emails with your company name for the email domain… And for that, your customers will think you’re pretty cool too.

In the Raio blog, we’ve talked about email and hosting domains before in this  post: “Get the most out of your email and hosting domains“. But be sure to check back, as we’ll likely visit this subject again in the future, because there’s nearly always more to talk about.

So… Are you a small business and still need a website?

If you’re a small business who’s been thinking of getting a website, or even a seasoned vet who just needs to update that old website you can’t even remember when you got, give Raio a shout… We’re happy to help you get a slick and modern website that will blow any Facebook page out of the water and make all your business friends jealous of all that new business you’ll be getting